28 April 2014

Hello Monday: Let Your Heart Soar As It Will

This post was inspired by Lisa Leonard's series, Hello Monday. I love the idea behind it all, saying hello to a fresh week with optimism, bravery, and gusto. Thanks Lisa!


Hello Monday!

Hello to the first tulip to blossom in our backyard.

Hello to...where the heck did the last two weeks go? Well, I digress. I shouldn't say that because I do actually know. The week before Easter was chaos and fun and preparing and egg hunts galore. Last week disappeared into the abyss of stomach bug mayhem and I might have indeed watched tv. Gasp.

Hello to my trusty sparkly beanie from H&M that is perfect when spring days are on the edge of chilly and the hair is a mess. I purchased said hat back in December when I was at the NIH for all my visits and testing. Funny how a something as silly as a hat can be a way of coaxing you back on to the path you need to be on. How a silly hat can be a prompt to remember what bravery you have within.

Hello to THIS gorgeous wallpaper now gracing my iPhone and reminding me to Refuse to be average.

Hello to precious cousins hanging out on a swing on Easter.

Hello to getting lost in possibility of summer dreams, outdoor concert bliss, and June being our busiest month of the year.

Hello to saying goodbye to Diet Coke. I really need to be done with it. Ever since the stomach flu I am completely okay without it. I'm taking this as a huge push from the universe gentling saying, "Tahnie, it's time. Tea and coffee and water from now on my dear."

Hello to silly faces and pretending we are at the beach playing in the sand, when in reality, we are digging in the sandbox, it is 48 degrees, windy, and we are wearing our coats in April. Ha.