09 June 2011

Happy Birthday To My Love

 This photo cracks me up! He is channeling his inner Backstreet Boy. ;)

I get to spend my life with an amazing man.

He turns 32 today.

He is sweet. He is kind. He is giving. He is courageous. He is unstoppable. He encourages me to be a better person and yet balances this with making me realize I can't hold myself to impossible standards.

He is always trying to improve himself, push forward, and power through the rough patches in life.

During my pregnancy, which was the scariest time in my life, he was my rock; even though he was petrified as well, he never let me see it.

For part of his birthday, I made a collage on our wall of 32 post-its of 32 things I love about him. It wasn't hard at all to come up with that many; in fact I could have easily filled 100 of them up with memories, words, and his myriad of attractive characteristics.

I fall deeper in love watching him love our daughter. His love for Sookie is fierce, constant, and vast. Unbreakable and calm, yet fueled with passion and fire.

It is truly a fabulous little notion to me that we have built this life together; that we started with one email over match.com and found some secret recipe which consisted of our crazy dreams, against all the odds wishes, and we made them mesh into this unconventional fairytale that is so much better than any love story I've ever read.

Happy Birthday Baby!


  1. Yayy! Happy birthday Rory! He is the best. (Even though I've never met him, yes, I have decided this. That picture alone! I mean come on.)

  2. Happy birthday!! Hope you have such a fun day celebrating him :)

  3. Love your words. Rory is a lucky fella.
    Happy Birthday to him!!!

  4. What an amazing story you have! I really enjoyed reading through your blog, and it's always so nice to find really good ones out there:) Found you through VoiceBoks...Cheers!
