11 September 2011

the good stuff sunday

every sunday afternoon around these parts, we write about all "the good stuff" that filled our week. it can be life altering things, it can be lots of little joys that snuck themselves into our days and made them better, or it can be a mish mash of both. think weekly gratitude list to remind ourselves of how lucky we truly are, no matter what. so grab a button and link up! i can't wait to see what has made your heart sing this week!

the good stuff is a very low key labor day with my two loves, delicious food and perusing borders' very last chance sale. ...and this face, ha!

the good stuff is an impromptu getaway to the really good park with my girl & red mango yogurt in the september breeze.

the good stuff is oodles of sunflowers in our yard & jack (our dachshund) searching for fun.

the good stuff is fresh zucchini, green beans, & mushrooms drizzled in some olive oil with some garlic.

the good stuff is a trip to the zoo, with my wonderful cousins & our little ones, seeing sookie taking it all in on an entirely new level, just since we were there back in may, over mother's day weekend. i feel so full when i witness her on a brand new facet of understanding and comprehending her world around here. 

the good stuff is elephants, monkeys, & giraffes.

the good stuff is not getting peed on during the carousel like i did in may. ;)

the good stuff is to die for treats from the sweet tooth fairy; coconut bites & a raspberry lemonade cupcake.

the good stuff is tiny silver glitter toms in sookie's size.

the good stuff is satisfying a friday night craving of pizza cooked to perfection, accompanied by my mom, roar, and sook.

the good stuff is ute game day & a red and white polka dot dress.

the good stuff is homemade margaritas & my dad's out of this world salsa.

i'm linking up with

what little bits of happiness made your week special?
grab a button and link up!!

happy sunday.
do something awesome today.
...because you are. ;)