25 January 2015

The Future Is Wild. And It is Ours.

On her last Sunday as a 4 year old, the training wheels came off the bike. I was beaming for her and with her, as the glee in our eyes matched, the tears came unexpectedly and oh so raw. Once upon a time I didn't know if I would be here to see such milestones with her. And now that I am? The future is wild. And it is ours.


  1. it's beautiful, but also bittersweet to see them grow up so, so fast...

  2. what a precious daughter you have! and i love your statement "tomorrow it is wild, and it is ours!" I feel so inspired just reading that!

    So happy to have stumbled across your blog! it is so very cute!

    xo, Kendall + Kelsey || The Radiant Life Blog
