10 February 2014

Random Acts Of Kindness Week

Back in August when I was approaching my 30th birthday, I was experiencing some serious survivor guilt. When I lived past my 10th birthday, the next huge milestone that loomed impossible was turning 30. As that day grew closer, I embraced everything that I have done so far with my life, but I couldn't help but think about friends with Cystinosis who were never blessed with celebrating that birthday of their own. One of my weaknesses in this life (and one of my big lessons, Roar is convinced!) is that I strive too hard for answers and tend to seek them too fiercely. I feel like when I have answers, I can process things more smoothly. So as a result, I often wonder why some people with Cystinosis live decades longer than others, the scientific and the spiritual both hold equal importance. To make a long story somewhat short, to combat this questioning and aching to do something that truly mattered, I spent my 30th birthday doing random acts of kindness for others. It had such a profound impact on my world, I will now be celebrating my birthday every year by doing this!

This week, from February 10th through the 16th is Random Acts of Kindness Week. I love that there is an entire week dedicated to thinking outside of yourself and jumping on opportunities to give and spread love, no matter how big or small of a gesture or effort required. I'm grateful to Lil Blue Boo for alerting me of this week! She wrote a great post with some wonderful ideas and included my list of 50 Ideas For Random Acts Of Kindness that I shared last year when I was gearing up for my own 30 acts of kindness day on my birthday.

What will you be doing this week? Did you start celebrating #RAOK week today by smiling at five strangers? I adore all the ideas Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has to share on their website. A few of my absolute favorites include, volunteering at a local animal shelter, handing out care packages to the homeless, donating your hair, hosting a cookie exchange, and leaving flowers on the grave of a stranger.

I know donating a kidney to a stranger is an example of an extreme random act of kindness, but I think it is such a beautiful thing. The importance of organ donation becomes more and more apparent to me, every single day. I don't like to go there often, but if I ever need another kidney, I have no idea where it would come from. Most of my family was tested when I was going through my first one 19 years ago, and my mom ended up being the best match. My dad was ruled out because of some issues, and my sister is no longer with us. That is all of my immediate family (who are often the best matches for people.) There are so many people waiting for life saving organs, and an average of 13 people die every single day while waiting for a kidney. If the world had more people in it like this kind soul, that statistic wouldn't be as high.

So, tell me...what are you doing to celebrate this fabulous week of Random Acts of Kindness? Did you jump right in and start today? What did you do?


  1. Honestly, I had no idea there was a such a thing as random acts of kindness week! But I think it's an awesome idea. The world could definitely use a little more kindness :)

  2. I didn't know about this special week! I may have to sit down and think about how to join in with my family.

  3. I had no clue there was a whole week dedicated to random acts of kindness, that is every cool! I try to smile randomly at people while walking around in public, and can get a few different reactions sometimes. It's great when you are able to do something nice for somebody else randomly. I remember a few times someone was able to randomly pay me a kindness. Thank you for sharing this... Stopping by from the SITS comment love tribe.

  4. We set a goal this year of doing ROAK as often a we can. We have been trying to do something daily to help others and make them smile. Everything from helping with groceries to mailing surprise packages

  5. I didn't know there was a RAOK week. This just made me excited, now I have to think of some things to do.

  6. To tell the truth I did'nt know there was a ROAK either, but I think it is a fantastic idea and now I will have to give it some serious thought. Thanks Rosemary #SITSblogging

  7. It is great that you celebrate your birthday that way & that you are celebrating this week. At times I do random acts but don't normally tell others, maybe I should. Then maybe it would be a positive domino affect & others would follow. And I had never heard of Cystinosis, prayers for you.
    Dropping by from The SITS Girls

  8. "Thinking outside of yourself" --I love the way you phrased it, that is truly the mindset you want to have in order to live a kind lifestyle. #SITSBlogging

  9. Hello from #SITSBlogging! I LOVE the name of your blog and the positive, cheerful atmosphere! Also love this particular post! I am writing on the same topic later today for RAK Week! Best wishes as you spread joy and kindness this week! : )

  10. Paying it forward is one of my mottos! I'm always trying my best to pay it forward, both online and offline. I think a Random Acts of Kindness Week is a great idea!

    Stopping by from #SITSBlogging

    Tenns @ New Mama Diaries

  11. I completely forgot it was RAOK week! I admit I had to look up cystinosis, as I hadn't heard of it. How blessed you are to have come this far and have such a beautiful little girl as well! You have a mission and are living it every day I'll bet!
