23 November 2013

Reverse Bucket List

Happy Saturday and Happy Blogember Day 23! 

The notion of a reverse bucket list makes me so giddy I could burst! I first read about this idea on this lovely blog. The reverse bucket list works like this; you basically list all of the remarkable things you have done, already conquered, already crossed off. There is something utterly divine about celebrating all the marvelous things you've already done in your life. A way of looking back and saying, "My life is awesome."

Here we go! In no particular order...

1. Visit Paris
2. Go to college
3. Fall in love
4. Go to another country for a Hanson concert (Thank you Toronto and Make A Wish! ;)
5. Have stories to tell my daughter about loving a band so much it hurts
6. Graduate college
7. Visit Amsterdam
8. Learn French
9. Learn to cook
10. Go to Jim Morrison's grave
11. Visit the Louvre and see the Mona Lisa in person
12. Constantly confuse and mystify countless doctors
13. Study Child Development
14. Raise awareness of Cystinosis and hold fundraisers that make a difference
15. Survive a kidney transplant
16. Get a tattoo
17. Give birth
18. Start a blog
19. Live a life I'm proud of

I can't wait to read yours and be inspired! I'm going to come back and add more to this later! :)


  1. I love the idea of a reverse bucket list, too!

  2. I've never heard of it before, but it is a great idea. It's a great way to see how great our lives really are. Hope you have a great day!

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  3. omg.. i've been doing this for a while now but i've never heard the term 'reverse bucket list' thanks for giving me something to call it, haha!! :)

  4. What a great list, very short and sweet! Mine turned into a bulky reminiscent post, oh well!

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