29 April 2011

Five Minute Friday: If I knew I could, I would…

Every Friday, The Gypsy Mama hosts what I believe to be one of the most inspirational link ups around. Five Minute Friday. She throws out a topic, we write for five minutes. We don't worry about edits, rewrites, spelling; we just go for it. It has helped me learned a lot about myself as a writer. I encourage you to check out the other brave women participating, and give it a whirl yourself! You never know what you heart might spill out when you give it a time limit. ;) 




If I Knew I Could, I Would…

Write my memoir.

I would not question who would want to read it. I would self publish through Amazon and worry about the rest later. I would have deep knowledge in the fact we all have stories within us, boiling and bubbling in our veins, just bursting to be shared, explored, DOCUMENTED. I would have faith in my abilities to build words upon words in order to convey my emotions. I would stop worrying about who I might offend, and go forth and share my story. I would stop fretting over painting the idea that I was a happy, optimistic, positive girl throughout my pregnancy, because the truth is...I was petrified I wouldn't get to live to see my little girl grow up. That is harsh but it was my reality. My pregnancy was the biggest paradox I've ever lived; it was full of hope, but there was also so much unknown. I would write my heart and throw out the rest. I would embrace all that I am. I would throw my entire being in the project, knowing full well it is worth it and that our journey, my facets of a fairytale, will be well worth the work, the sweat, the tears. I would not let fear become my obstacle in this dream, but kiss hope and ask her to join me.




  1. I can't wait to read your memoir, Tahnie. I dutifully followed Lisa's "Five-Minute Friday" instruction to visit the blogger before you, and I am so glad I did. All of a sudden, after reading one paragraph from you, my life and my two boys are unspeakably precious. I want to go in and kiss them each in their naps right this minute. Thank you for posting, and please do write your book.

  2. Write it! We'll surely read it :)

    I love where you said "I would write my heart and throw out the rest."

    An excellent strategy for us all, I'm thinking. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I LOVE this.. your answer, response, idea... It's inspiring, actually. :)

  4. get to writing my dear!!!! write your heart out. tell your story!!!


  5. So beautiful! And what a great idea!

  6. I love this and the idea. I need to start joining in. I think the best writing comes when you don't worry about edit's and if you are saying something inconnect. Then it truly comes from the heart. :)

  7. tahnie - you are honestly so talented. your writing is so incredible. i would love it if you wrote a book. it would be appreciated by so many people.

  8. I loved your post. I, too, have always wanted to write a memoir...many false starts. Your blog is beautiful...so glad I had a chance to visit.

  9. Just found your blog, and I love it! Love that quote at the end!

